Reviewing and Editing Work Orders

Use the following steps to review and edit work orders.

To review and edit work orders:

  1. Go to Advanced Manufacturing > Finite Scheduling > Work Order Management.

  2. Select a Work Center from the list.


    Work Order Management does not support more than 150 - 200 tasks for an individual work center. If an error occurs, shorten the date range.

  3. Select a Job Status.

  4. Click the calendar icon to select a Horizon Start date.

    Horizon start date must be a Monday.


    To reduce processing time, set horizon days as short as possible. Generally less than one week.

  5. Click the calendar icon to select a Horizon End date.

  6. Select a Detail or Summary View Format.

  7. Click List Work Orders.

  8. To display the plan by Machine and Labor, click the Work Calendar subtab.

    Each day in the horizon displays the work order number, item number and description. It also displays the hours, quantity, and the time it took to complete the work order.

  9. To display the work order operations details, check the box beside the work order, and then click View Contents.

  10. To create a planning report, click Displays.

    For more information, see Production Planning Reports.

  11. To open the data entry form to record work order production, loss, downtime, and labor, click Production Data Entry.

    For more information, see Tracking Production Results.

  12. Click the Master Plans subtab to view the following information:

    • Mfg. Operations – Routing steps, run time (rate x planned quantity), and cycle time (run time + set up time)

      The acronym NaN alerts manufacturers that no material is on hand.

    • Material Requirements – Materials associated with the work order

    • Related Work Order – All child work orders with valid routings

    • Production Results – Recorded production results

    • Production Loss – Recorded production loss

    • Equipment Down Time – Recorded downtime

    • Labor Charges – Recorded labor charges

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