Manually Creating a Supply Chain Snapshot Simulation

Use the following procedure to manually create a supply chain snapshot simulation.

To manually create a supply chain snapshot simulation:

  1. Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Supply Chain Snapshots.

  2. Click the number link of the snapshot for which you want to manually create a simulation.

  3. On the Supply Chain Snapshot page, click Manual Simulation.

    The Supply Chain Snapshot Simulation popup window appears.

  4. Complete the Primary Information section.

    A Simulation Number is automatically created after the simulation is created.

    The displayed Item Name/Number and Item Type are from the original snapshot.

    1. Select a Transaction Type: Purchase Order, Sales Order, Transfer Order, or Work Order.

    2. Enter a simulation Quantity.

    3. Select a simulation Status: Authorized, Implemented, Rejected, or Under Evaluation.

    4. To reschedule this simulation, check the For Reschedule box.

    5. Select a simulation Owner.

    6. Optionally enter a Memo.

      The values in the Document Created From and Line Created From fields are taken from the snapshot simulation column.

  5. If you selected all transaction types except Sales Order, complete the Supply Location section.

    1. Select a Supply Date.

    2. Select a Supply Location.

    3. Select a Supply Entity customer or vendor.

    4. Select a Supply Subsidiary.

  6. If you selected Sales or Transfer Order as your transaction type, complete the Demand Location section.

    1. Select a Demand Date.

    2. Select a Demand Location.

    3. Select a Demand Entity customer or vendor.

    4. Select a Demand Subsidiary.

  7. Click Save.

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