Hosts Subtab

These settings configure information about each host for websites with multiple languages or regions. You must define a host for each language.

More Information: Localization

List of Hosts

Specifies the host for each translated site. Use the following list to add your hosts by ID. For example, you can configure two different hosts. You set one for English and U.S. Dollars only. You set the remaining site for English and French with two currencies, U.S. Dollar and Euros.


Each language must have its own domain.

Each host requires the following:

  • Host ID – specifies the translated content’s host address name. This name must match the hosted domain you have set up for the associated language. For more information about setting up domains, see Domains.

  • Language – specifies the languages available for the associated host location.

  • Language Title – specifies the display label of the currency within the Location dropdown selector on the website.

  • Language Domain – specifies the domain name for this language. This must exactly match the hosted domain for the associated language.

  • Currency – specifies the display label of the currency within the Location dropdown selector on the website.

  • Subsidiary – specifies the subsidiary for the host.

  • Location – specifies the location for the host.



UI location

Multi-Domain > Hosts

ID (pre-Vinson)


JSON file


Configuration file (pre-Vinson)


Hosts Array Parameters (pre-Vinson)

In pre-Vinson implementations, the hosts array, located in the backend Configuration.js file, maps languages and currencies to specific host locations. This array requires a title property and both the currencies and languages arrays, as defined below.


The hosts array contains sample code that is hidden within a multi-line comment block. Removing the comment tags reveals this code, but the properties require customization unique to your site as defined below.

  • title (string) – specifies the display label of the location within the Location drop-down selector on the website.

  • currencies (array) – specifies the currencies available for the associated host location.

    • title (string) – specifies the display label of the currency within the Location drop-down selector on the website.

    • code (string) – specifies the code for the location. This maps the currency code with the specific host location and must exactly match the three-letter International Standards Organization (ISO) currency code symbol defined in the backend, or the currency will not appear in the list. See Currency Management for more information.

  • languages (array) – specifies the languages available for the associated host location

    • title (string) – specifies the display label of the currency within the Location drop-down selector on the website.

    • host (string) – specifies the translated content’s host address name. This name must match the hosted domain you have set up for the associated language. For more information about setting up domains, see Domains.

    • locale (string) – specifies the country code and culture code for the associated language per ISO standards (ISO 639 and ISO 3166 respectively). This must match the locale property defined in the backend, or the language will not appear in the list. Example: en_US or es_ES.

      Your website must have a unique locale for each hosted domain and a unique domain for each language.

IDs (pre-Vinson)


UI location


Configuration file (pre-Vinson)


Related Topics

General Notices