Quality Management Reports

The Quality Management SuiteApp offers administrative reports that help you to review the Quality Management SuiteApp setup and inspection execution. Each report appears in a separate window where you can preview results to help refine your criteria.

Administrative reports enable you to monitor the inspection process and quickly respond to resolve errors and ensure similar errors do not occur in future operations.

Quality Management offers the following administrative reports:

Specification Review

Specifications incorporate numerous inspections, each containing a variety of fields, standards, and rules. A specification review helps you to ensure that your organization's quality needs are represented by providing a view of the underlying definition to help examine the entire specification.

Inspection Review

Use the quality inspection queue feature to display and review inspection records within the queue.

For more information about Quality Management reports, see the following topics:

Related Topics

Quality Management Mobile Data Collection
Quality Management Overview
Quality Management Glossary
Quality Management Best Practices
Quality Inspections
Quality Specifications
Quality Management Triggers
On-Demand Quality Inspection Queues
Quality Management Saved Searches
Quality Management Workflows
Store Quality Management Images
Resetting Transaction Count
Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Derived Fields
Quality Management Mobile Data Collection

General Notices