Creating StickyNotes on Record Pages


StickyNotes only works on records and transactions that are in the old NetSuite UI. Ensure the preference to show the project in the new NetSuite UI is disabled. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and make sure the Show Project In New UI box is unchecked.

StickyNotes lets you attach notes to record pages and keep track of your notes as well as others’ replies. You can communicate effectively with others by adding recipients to ensure that only specific people have access to your notes. Recipients are notified through email when you tagged them in a note, or when replies are added to the note. You can also make your note public if you want to make it visible to everyone with access to the record page.

With StickyNotes, you can highlight important information or critical action items on a record by defining custom color notes. See Customizing StickyNotes from Record Pages for more information. You can also call attention to a specific note on a record page by snapping the note to a field. See Adding a New Note for more information.

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