Working with StickyNotes on Record Pages

Notes on the record page lets you highlight important information or track pending tasks related to the record. You can also add supporting documents or related files as attachments to the note you are creating or replying to. For more information on supported file types, see Supported File Attachments for StickyNotes.

Depending on your account configuration, StickyNotes may be carried over when a record is transformed into another record type. For example, if you generate an estimate from an opportunity record, the notes on the opportunity record will be carried over to the estimate record. Notes attached to specific fields on the opportunity record are not included. Notes added to the estimate record will not be available on the opportunity record.

Supported File Attachments for StickyNotes

You can drag and drop a file to a note to add it as an attachment. The following table shows the file types and the corresponding icons that will be displayed on the note:


File Type

HTML icon

HTML files

XML icon

XML files

Excel icon

Excel files

Word icon

Word documents

Powerpoint icon

Powerpoint presentations

Text icon

Text files

Unknown file icon

Unknown file types

PDF icon

PDF files

Compressed file icon

Compressed file types (.zip and .rar)

Image icon

Image files


This icon is displayed for JPG, JPEG, PNG, and BMP image files when the option to preview images is not enabled. Other image files are displayed as an icon with a link to the attached file.

Adding a New Note

To add a note to record pages:

  1. Open the record page where you want to add a note.

  2. From the StickyNotes Toolbar, click on any of the note icons to create a new note.

    Sticky Notes Toolbar

    Alternatively, you can also add a note to specific fields. Point to the field label and, on the tooltip that appears, select the note that you want to create. Field-level notes will be displayed below the field where it is currently attached. If the field is hidden, the note will be displayed on the upper right portion of the page.

    Sticky Notes Field Note
  3. A new note window appears. To add the note to a field or record page, do the following:

    Sticky Notes Delete Recipient
    1. In the To field, you can enter recipient names to make the note visible to specific people or leave the field blank to make the note visible only to you.

      Recipients will receive an email notification when they are tagged in a new note and when replies are posted on the note.


      Auto-complete suggestions will appear when you type partial characters of the first or last name.

    2. To remove a recipient, pont to the recipient’s name, and then click the delete icon that appears.

    3. Click the Public box to make the note visible to everyone with access to the record.

    4. Type your message in the space provided.

    5. To add file attachments, drag and drop a file to the note.

    6. Click Save to attach the note to the record.


      Icons on the note indicate if the note is public or private, or if the note has replies or file attachments. For more information on note icons, see StickyNotes Icons.

Replying to a Note

You can reply to a note by going to the record page where the note is attached or by replying to the notification sent to your email. You will receive an email notification for replies added to notes if you are the note author, recipient, or you have previously replied to the note.


Supported email applications only include iMail (on Mac and mobile), Outlook, and Gmail.

To reply to a note on a record page:

  1. Open the record where the note is attached.

  2. Point to the note to display the Actions menu, and then click Reply.

  3. Type your message on the space provided.

  4. If you want to attach files to your reply, drag and drop a file to the note.

  5. Click Save to add your reply.

Deleting Notes

To delete notes and replies:

  1. Open the record page where the note is attached.

  2. Point to the note to display the actions menu. Do one of the following:

    • To delete the original note, click Delete Note from the Action menu.

    • To delete replies, click Expand Replies from the Action menu. Point to the reply that you want to delete, and then click the delete icon that appears on the upper right corner of the note.

  3. On the confirmation window that appears, click Yes.

Customizing StickyNotes from Record Pages

To customize notes from the record page:

  1. Open any record page where StickyNotes is enabled.

  2. From the StickyNotes Toolbar, click or point to the StickyNotes dropdown menu, and then select Preferences.


    You can also set your preferred font and note size from Setup > Customization > StickyNotes Setup.

  3. In the StickyNotes Preference window, you can do the following:

    • Change the colors for high, medium, and low priority notes by choosing from predefined color sets or by entering the hexadecimal color value.

    • Set the font and note size.

    • Click Reset to Default to restore the default StickyNotes preferences defined by your administrator.

    • Check the Hide Notes box to hide notes across record pages. When this setting is enabled, a pop-up alert will notify you about the hidden notes the next time you load the record page.

  4. Click Save.

General Notices