Understanding StickyNotes Actions and Icons

StickyNotes Actions

When viewing notes on a record page or the StickyNotes Board, you can point to the note to display the Actions menu on the upper-right corner. From the Actions menu, you can do any of the following:


Some of these actions are not available when you view the note from the StickyNotes Board.

StickyNotes Icons

Icons are displayed at the bottom of the original note to indicate if the note is public or private, or if it has replies and attachments.



Replies to note

This icon indicates that there are replies to the note.

Private note

This icon indicates that the note is private. Only the note owner and recipients can view private notes.

Public note

This icon indicates that the note has been set to public. Everyone with access to the record page can view public notes.

Attachment to note

This icon indicates that a file is attached to the note or to its replies.

General Notices