Uploading the Custom Template for Exporting Country-Specific Reports

After creating a custom template for your file export, you must upload the template to the File Cabinet in NetSuite.

To upload a custom template:

  1. Upload the custom template file to the File Cabinet:

    1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet:

    2. Click the folder to where you want to store your custom template.

    3. Click Add File.

    4. In your computer drive, select the custom template file.

  2. Set your custom template file as the export template for a specific report:

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

    2. Click List next to CSR – Report.

    3. Click Edit next to the country-specific report that you want to have a CSV or XML export option.

    4. Go to the Exports subtab.

    5. In the Name field, enter an identifying label for your export. The name you enter here will be displayed as a button on the Country-Specific Reports page.

      For example, if, under Name, you wrote CSV, on the Country-Specific Reports page, a button Export to CSV is added.

    6. From the Format list, select CSV, XML, or PDF.

    7. In the Template field, click the double arrow. Select the template file that you uploaded to the File Cabinet.

    8. Click Add.

    9. Click Save.

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