WMS Limited Access Role

WMS Limited Access is a standard role that enables you to perform inbound, inventory, and outbound processing tasks on the mobile app. By default, you can access the standard mobile processes available in NetSuite WMS.

If you use the SiteBuilder (WebSite) and Site Builder (Web Store) features, you can access associated item images on the app. These images pertain to those that you add on the Web Store subtab of item records. For more information, see Creating Items for NetSuite WMS.

Before you assign the WMS Limited Access Role, you can customize it to suit your mobile app requirements. For more information, see Customizing the WMS Limited Access Role.

You can assign the standard role or your customized WMS Limited Access role. You can also assign the role to your custom mobile process to provide access to its tasks. For instructions, see the following topics:

To view the list of default permissions and access levels for this role, see Standard Roles Permissions Table.

Role Availability

If you use NetSuite WMS and have a PrintNode account, you can obtain the NetSuite WMS Limited Access User Cloud Service license. Otherwise, the WMS Limited Access role is not available by default within NetSuite WMS. For more information, you may contact your NetSuite account manager.

Customizing the WMS Limited Access Role

You can create a custom role based on the WMS Limited Access role to update or remove permissions. You can remove access to tasks on the NetSuite WMS app and retain access to inbound processing only, for example. If you use NetSuite Ship Central, you can edit permissions for packing or shipping. If you use Smart Count, you can add permissions to access inventory counting on the Smart Count app. You can create a custom role for each mobile app or a single role for all apps

You cannot customize other NetSuite standard or custom roles and add permissions to set it up as a WMS Limited Access role. These other roles include custom roles available in NetSuite WMS and Ship Central by default.

When you create a custom role, make sure that you distinguish it from other roles by including WMS Limited Access in the name, for example. For instructions, see the following topics:

Refer to the tables in the following topics for permissions associated with tasks within each mobile app"

After you create your custom WMS Limited Access role, you can assign it on the employee record and custom mobile processes. See WMS Limited Access Role.

Managing WMS Limited Access Users

Assigning only the standard or a custom WMS Limited Access role to an employee counts toward WMS Limited Access usage. You can assign multiple WMS Limited Access roles. If you assign it along with other Full access roles to the same employee, it counts toward Full access usage instead. If you switch an employee to a WMS Limited Access role, remove other roles not based on it. Otherwise, it does not count toward WMS Limited Access usage.

You can view the number of users to which you can assign this role on the Billing Information page. Using the Administrator role, you can access this page by going to Setup > Company > Billing Information. On this page, click the Billable Components subtab and in the Component column, look for WMS Limited Access User. The Current Provisioned Qty column indicates the number of users to which you can assign the WMS Limited Access role.

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