Checkout Experience Subtab

These settings let you configure the checkout experience for shoppers on SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced websites.

Skip Checkout Login

The Skip Checkout Login setting applies to SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced.

This Boolean enables anonymous shoppers to skip the login/register page when they go to checkout. The shopper is redirected to the first checkout step. This setting is disabled by default.

With this setting enabled, the Checkout application does not establish a guest session until data is sent to the backend for validation (through any Ajax call to the server). If the shopper enters their full name, a session is not created because the order has not been submitted to the backend. Without validation, some necessary session information is not yet known, for example, whether the shopper has permission to pay with terms (invoices).

After the guest session is created, the Checkout application refers to the shopper as a Guest. If the shopper wants to log in as a registered user after this time, they must log out and either log in as a registered user or create an account. The application also gives a guest user the option to create an account after the checkout process is completed.


Invoices cannot be set as a payment option if the Skip Checkout Login setting is enabled and your web store uses the One Page Checkout flow. The Skip Checkout Login setting is not supported on Site Builder sites or when the Multiple Ship To setting is enabled and configured for your web store.

For more Information, see Checkout.



ID (pre-Vinson)


UI location

Checkout > Checkout Experience

JSON file


Configuration file (pre-Vinson)


Use Standard Header and Footer

The Use Standard Header and Footer setting applies to SuiteCommerce and the Aconcagua release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and later.

There are two types of headers and footers:

  • Standard: Used on non-checkout web pages. These headers and footers include navigation and other links.

  • Checkout: Used on checkout pages. These headers and footers are the default headers and footers for checkout pages and do not include navigation or other links. These headers and footers are designed to minimize the chances of a shopper navigating away from your website prior to completing a purchase.

The Use Standard Header and Footer box, when checked, causes the standard header and footer to display on checkout pages. This checkbox is cleared by default. When the box is cleared, the checkout pages use the checkout headers and footers.



UI location

Checkout > Checkout Experience

JSON file


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General Notices