SuitePromotions Examples

This section explains how to create frequently used promotions in NetSuite using SuitePromotions, and the expected outcomes for the following promotions:

SuitePromotions take advantage of all the most recent promotion enhancements, as well as user interface and performance improvements.

When creating any type of SuitePromotion, the basic workflow is as follows:

  1. Choose what the discount is applied to (select the promotion type)

  2. Enter basic properties and scheduling information

  3. Define what the customer needs to buy to be eligible for the discount (Buy conditions)

  4. Define the amount of discount the customer will get (Get conditions)

  5. Create a coupon code

This section focuses on steps 3 and 4, the Buy and Get conditions for each SuitePromotion type.

The following image illustrates the similarities in the basic workflows for setting the Buy and Get conditions in item, order, or shipping SuitePromotions. Selecting the promotion type from the SuitePromotions landing page determines which Get and Buy conditions can be defined. Buy conditions are defined in the What the customer needs to buy section of the promotion record. Get conditions are defined in the What the customer will get section.


Item, fixed price item, and free gift promotions have the same Buy conditions. However, the Get conditions differ for each of these promotion types.

Promotion Types

With SuitePromotions, you can offer your customers the following types of promotion:

  • Item promotions – give percentage or currency amount discounts on items

  • Fixed price item promotions – give items for a fixed discounted price

  • Order promotions – give percentage or currency discounts at the order level

  • Shipping promotions – give your customers free shipping on specific shipping methods

  • Free gift promotions – give your customers a free gift that is automatically added to their order

Promotion Discounts and Application

Promotions provide different types of discount that can be applied in a variety of ways, resulting in a wide range of possible combinations. The most popular of these combinations are provided in this guide.

Discounts are configured in the What the customer will get section of a promotion record and are also referred to as Get conditions.

Discount types:

  • Flat rate

  • Percentage

  • Fixed price

Apply discount to:

  • Each unit of the discounted item in the order

  • Every X number of items. When a unit quantity is added, you must also select if the discount is applied to the cheapest or most expensive item. These promotions are repeated if multiples of the unit quantity are added to the transaction. Currently there is no option to set a limit on how many times the discount can be repeated.

Notes About the Examples

The examples in this section refer to SuitePromotions only. For standard and Advanced Promotions examples, see Promotions.

The examples only use two inventory items. The price of each item before discount does not change:

  • T-shirt – $10

  • Dress – $20

The workflows in this section outline the minimum steps required to define the Buy and Get conditions for a SuitePromotion. The workflows do not include steps to define:

  • Basic properties (the Name field is a required property in this section)

  • Scheduling

  • Further settings (the Discount item for accounting field is a required property in this section)

  • Scope of the promotion, by limiting its use to specific customers or locations

On item promotions, when the Repeat Discount Incrementally box is checked, a unit quantity must be added. You must also select if the discount is applied to the cheapest or most expensive item. You cannot apply such a discount to each eligible item in the order.

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