Creating Custom Template for Traveler Report

You can create a custom template for your traveler report.

To create a custom template for traveler report:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Create a folder to store the custom template. For more information, read Creating File Cabinet Folders.

  3. Go to the SuiteApps folder on the left and click on the com.netsuite.woinstructionsandtraveler folder.

  4. You can then move to the Templates folder and click Download to download the default template present in each of the XML files.

  5. Make the necessary customizations in the XML files and upload in the folder you created (as per step 2). For more information, read Uploading Files to the File Cabinet.


    Do not rename the XML files.

  6. Create a custom template by navigating to Setup > Manufacturing > Traveler Template.

  7. Click on the New Traveler Template button.

    The Traveler Template page opens.

  8. In the Name field, enter the name of the template.

  9. In the Folder Path field, enter the path of the file cabinet folder that contains the XML files for the custom template.


    The path must be separated by (/).

  10. In the Transaction Dataset ID field, enter the routing dataset ID for sourcing data in the custom template. The field is populated with a default dataset; however, you can use your own dataset.


    You can create your own dataset or use an existing dataset (you cannot modify the existing dataset). For more information, read Defining a Dataset.

    You must share the newly created dataset. The dataset type should be Transaction. For more information, read Accessing and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets.

  11. (Optional) Check the Inactive box if you want to disable a template.

  12. Click Save.

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