Vendor Bill


To use the templates, paste the content into the "FIELD MAPPING FOR INBOUND E-DOCUMENT" field of the new E-Document Template creation page.

In the template, while you create, select "ANZ PEPPOL Inbound CDS" from the Inbound Custom Data Source Plug-in Implementation drop down.

If no tax rate is present in for the item in XML reference, then by default, tax code with 0% tax rate will be applied to the item in the bill. This is applicable only if one tax code with tax rate 0% is present in the account.

If there are multiple tax codes of same rates or no tax codes present with specified tax rate, then an error will be thrown. The inbound conversion will be failed.



JSON Key in Template

XML Element applied from XML Reference

Information for the Key




This key uniquely identifies the Vendor Bill, that is, Reference Number.




This key displays the issue date of the bill provided by the vendor, that is, Date. The date is in the format of the system preferences set in the account.

If the element cbc:IssueDate is missing in the XML reference file then it will throw an error "The issue date XPath for the transaction could not be found in the XML reference file." and If the value of the cbc:IssueDate element in XML Reference file is not in the format YYYY-MM-DD then it will throw an error "The issue date of the transaction in the XML reference file is not in correct format.".




This key displays the payment due date. The date is in the format of the system preferences set in the account. The Bill will be populated only if the XML Reference has relevant value.

If the value of the cbc:DueDate element in XML Reference file is not in the format YYYY-MM-DD, you get the error "The due date of the transaction in the XML reference file is in invalid format."




This element displays unstructured note related to the Bill. The Bill will be populated only if the XML Reference has relevant value.




This key displays the Currency Name in Vendor Bill. The value of this field is derived from the Custom Data Source Plug-in (CDS) used in the template. It retrieves Currency Name from the Currency ISO code present in the XML Reference. Multi Currency feature must be enabled in the account.




This key iterates over all line items in the XML Reference.




This key displays Vendor Code that is same as the item name. It does not support any other reference apart from item name. Check Limitations section for more details.




This key displays Vendor Name that is same as the item name.




This key displays Quantity of each line item. Quantity is not added if the quantity of each line item is not present in the XML Reference.

The element value with a decimal separator (.) or a whole number is valid. Group separator (Thousands separator) or more than one decimal separator is invalid.




This key displays net price or unit price of the item. It displays the rate of each line item, exclusive of GST after subtracting item price discount.

The element value with a decimal separator (.) or (,), or a whole number is valid.

Group separator (Thousands separator) or more than one decimal separator is invalid.




(We are fetching the tax percent and from that we are finding the corresponding tax code in the account)

This key provides tax codes that is extracted from the tax rate in the XML Reference. [Check the XML Element given in second column]. The tax code which belongs to the specific tax rate for the applicable country.

You need to extract the tax codes from this XML Reference: D:Invoice/cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PostalAddress/cac:Country/cbc:IdentificationCode. In OW Accounts, it will retrieve Subsidiary country information. In SI accounts, it will retrieve information about the country from the company information page being populated.

  1. The following conditions can stop the conversion and throw error:

    • If you have more than one tax code applicable of Purchase or Both tax type present for a tax rate in the account.

    • If no tax code is present for a tax rate.

    • If the tax code applicable is inactive.

    • If more than one applicable tax code is present for a tax rate.

    It throws the below error.

    "Appropriate tax code could not be found for one of the following reasons:

    -No such tax code exists.

    -Multiple tax codes with the same tax rate exists.

    -Tax code is not of type Purchase or Both.

    -Tax code is inactive."

    Rectify the tax codes and make the combination of tax code to tax rate unique for the applicable country.

  2. If the tax rate is not present in the XML reference file for a line item, the tax code with tax rate 0% is automatically assigned to that line item.

    In the below case, following conditions can throw an error:

    • If more than one applicable tax code with tax rate 0% is present in the account.

    • If there are no tax codes present for 0%.

    • If the tax code applicable is inactive.

    • If not of type Both or Purchase.

    "Appropriate tax code could not be found for one of the following reasons:

    -No such tax code exists.

    -Multiple tax codes with the same tax rate exists.

    -Tax code is not of type Purchase or Both.

    -Tax code is inactive."

    In this case, add a tax code which is active, of type Purchase or Both and of tax rate 0% for the applicable country in the account.

  3. For Australia and New Zealand, we are not supporting inbound conversion using PEPPOL in SuiteTax Accounts.

    If you try to use this template along with CDS in SuiteTax enabled accounts, then conversion will fail and you get the error "Inbound conversion is not supported for SuiteTax accounts in Australia and New Zealand."

    PEPPOL Tax Category is currently not supported for ANZ. If tax category is present in the inbound XML file, it will not be considered for determining the tax code.

The element value with a decimal separator (.) or (,), or a whole number is valid. Group separator (Thousands separator) or more than one decimal separator is invalid.




The key displays invoice line net amount. The amount is “net” without GST, that is, inclusiveness of line level allowances and charges along with other relevant taxes.

The element value with a decimal separator (.) or (,), or a whole number is valid. Group separator (Thousands separator) or more than one decimal separator is invalid.




This key’s description is taken from the item’s name. You can change the reference in the XML Reference if needed.




This key is a required field for items. The default value is set to ‘False’ for each item.

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