Creating Criteria Configuration for Item 360 Dashboard

Criteria configuration enables you to create different criteria to prioritize items by their related alerts. You can create custom criteria and assign them to configurations for roles, to decide how items are prioritized for each role.

When you install the SuiteApp, by default, the SuiteApp creates a default criteria. This default criteria is applicable to all the items, and is applicable and preferred to all roles. For default criteria, all alert categories belong to High, Medium and Low categories. However, you can modify them if necessary.

To create criteria configuration

  1. Go to Reports > Item 360 > Criteria > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the criteria.

  3. Under Criteria Grid subtab, provide details for the fields:

    • Priority – Provide a priority for the criteria. The Item Alerts dashboard displays the priority along with the alert count of each alert category.

    • Alert Category – Select the type of category you want the criteria to associate with.

    • Minimum Alerts – Provide the number of alerts a criterion should have. The minimum alert count should be 1.

  4. Under Access subtab:

    1. Select one of the following options from the User/Role list:

      • Select User to enable the User column to edit. Choose the user you want to assign for the criteria.

      • Select Role to enable All Roles or Role columns to edit.

        • Check All Roles in the column if you want the criteria to be applicable to all roles. Checking this option disables the Role column.

        • From the Role list, select a role.

    2. (Optional) To select a preferred criteria for a specific role or user, check the box in the Preferred column.

      Preferred criteria will be selected by default in Item Alerts dashboard.

  5. Click Save.


In the Item Saved Search field, select the saved search of type item. If it is not selected, the criteria is applicable to all items.


To disable a criteria, check the Inactive box.

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