Item Alerts Dashboard

The Item Alerts dashboard lets you view the total count of alerts for supply planning, order delay, and supply allocation related to items. The dashboard provides a prioritized list of items based on the criteria selected along with the provision to change the criteria. Here you can:

The Last Job Run field auto populates the date and time stamp of the job that was last run to update the item alerts count. The alerts count of each category of an item is populated based on the MR script Item 360 MR Item Alerts Count Update, which runs every 12 hours by default. An administrator can also run the script manually.


You need to set up Creating Criteria Configuration for Item 360 Dashboard in Item 360 Criteria Configuration beforehand to select criteria from the Criteria list in the Item Alerts dashboard.

Setting Up Item Alerts Dashboard in NetSuite Home Page

You can add the Item Alerts dashboard to NetSuite Home page.

To add Item Alerts Dashboard to NetSuite Home Page

  1. Go to the NetSuite Home page.

  2. Click Personalize.

  3. On the Personalize Dashboard menu, select SuiteApps.

  4. Select the Item 360 Dashboard Portlet.

    The Item Alerts dashboard is added to the home page.

The following table provides information about the type of information updated in the Item Alerts portlet.

Column Name



Enables you to prioritize the alerts to act upon.


Displays the item name. Click the Item hyperlink to view the item record.


Provides a description about the item.

Supply Allocation Alerts

Appears when the inventory may not be able to meet the order demand on the required date. This alert helps indicate that the order may not be fulfilled in time.

Supply Planning Alerts

Appears when then there is an insufficient supply to meet the current and future demand. The alerts could be specific to planned work orders, transfer orders, purchase orders and so on, which may need to be acted upon.

Order Alert Delays

Appears when the orders placed (purchase orders, sales orders and so on) are delayed beyond the required order dates.

360 View

Navigates to the Item Overview page with the item selected by default.

The alerts are visible based on the location and subsidiaries assigned to the user. For example, an Inventory Manager in-charge of California location views the alerts for different items in California and its subsidiaries. For more information, see Assigning Roles to an Employee and Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

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