Preventing Addition of Address Lines to Customer Record

If you are using a single customer record for orders with no email address, you need to create an order mapping that prevents orders from adding new address lines to this customer record. You need create a new logic mapping in the Order tab of Mappings > Orders of your connector.

To create logic mapping to prevent addition of address lines to a customer record:

  1. Go to Mappings > Orders.

  2. Click the Order tab.

  3. Create a new mapping.

  4. Change the Mapping Type to Logic.

  5. Edit the logic mapping. Use the following operators:

    1. Check If

    2. Order Header Value

    3. Equals

    4. Fixed Value

    In Value, enter the email address of the customer record that you want to configure to not add addresses to.

  6. In If True Set Value To, set a fixed value to Do not add address to customer record.

  7. In Otherwise, Set Value To, set a fixed value to Add address to customer record.

  8. Click Save Changes.

General Notices