Project Charge Rule

The project charge rule record is available only when the Project Management and Charge-Based Billing features are enabled. In the UI, you access this record on the Financial subtab of charge-based billing projects.

The internal ID for this record is chargerule.

Project charge rules determine the billing rate, the timing of project charges, and the stage of a charge when it is generated.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Understanding Charge Rules.

See Project Charge Rule Record Macros for macros associated with this record. For more information about actions and macros, see Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

Supported Script Types

The project charge rule record is supported in client and server SuiteScript.

Supported Operations

This record can be created, read, updated, deleted, copied, and searched using SuiteScript. It cannot be transformed.

Usage Notes

If charges generated from a project charge rule have been billed, the project charge rule record is read-only. The chargeruletype field is required.

Field Definitions

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

Code Samples

The following samples show how to create a time-based project charge rule.

          var chargeRule= record.create({
    type: record.Type.CHARGE_RULE,
    isDynamic: true,
    defaultValues: {
        'charegeruletype': 'TIMEBASED'
    fieldId: 'name',
    value: 'ChargeRuleName'
    fieldId: 'project',
    value: '96'
var id =; 


Related Topics

General Notices