Time-Off Balance Summary Report

The Time-Off Balance Summary report displays the amount of time-off employees have earned up to the current date. This is based on the rules defined in the plan assigned to them. This report is useful for accounting purposes when you need to determine an employee’s available time-off balance on a specific date.

To view the Time-Off Balance Summary report, go to Reports > Employees/HR > Time-Off Balance Summary.

This report displays the following for each employee:


If you must search for a balance summary between a specific date range, note that the standard report does not display year-end expiry values. To get an accurate balance summary, set the start date to January 1st. Set the end date to whatever date you want to view the balance to. If required, you can customize the report to include year end expiry.

To customize this report and display it in the Report Builder, click Customize. For more information, see Report Customization.

The following selections are included for customization on the Time-Off Balance Summary report:

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