Time-Off Tracking Reports

The Time-Off Tracking SuiteApp includes a set of saved searches that you can use as reports.


The saved searches installed with the SuiteApp are not public. Administrators must first customize the saved searches to define the roles that can access each saved search and their location in the Reports menu. For more information, see Customizing Time-Off Tracking Reports.

You can access the following saved searches through their own menu options at Reports > Time-Off:

You can print and export the Time-Off Tracking saved search results, permitting the information to be shared as reports. Exporting is available to Excel, CSV, and PDF. You can find the print and export icon buttons at the top of the results list. You can also use saved search email to share complete search results with other users. To use saved search email, see Saved Search Email.

For more information about saved searches, see Saved Searches.

Approved Time-Off Requests Saved Search

The Approved Time-Off Requests saved search lists active employees with approved time-off requests. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by employee name, and then by start date and time-off type.

Employees without Time-Off Plans Saved Search

The Employees without Time-Off Plans saved search lists any active employees who are not assigned a time-off plan. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by employee name. In the results list, you can click the Edit link for each employee record to assign the employee a time-off plan.

Pending Time-Off Requests Saved Search

The Pending Time-Off Requests saved search lists active employees with time-off requests that are pending approval. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by employee name, and then by start date and time-off type.

Rejected Time-Off Requests

The Rejected Time-Off Requests saved search lists active employees with rejected time-off requests. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by employee name, and then by start date and time-off type.

Time-Off Plan Assignment Saved Search

The Time-Off Plan Assignment saved search lists the time-off plan assigned to each active employee. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by time-off plan, job, and employee name. In the results list, you can click the Edit link for each employee record to update the employee’s time-off plan.

Upcoming Approved Time-Off (1 Month) Saved Search

The Upcoming Approved (1 Month) Time-Off saved search lists active employees with approved time-off requests that have start dates within the next month. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by employee name, and then by start date and time-off type.

Work Calendars Saved Search

The Work Calendars saved search lists work calendar assignments of active employees. By default, the results are sorted alphabetically by work calendar and employee name. In the results list, you can click the Edit link for each employee record to update the employee’s time-off plan.

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