Customizing Time-Off Tracking Reports

You can customize the following Time-Off Tracking Reports Templates to create unique saved searches:

Customizing a Time-Off Tracking Report Template

To customize a time-off tracking report template:

  1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches.

  2. Beside the template that you want to customize, click Edit.

  3. In the Search Title field, remove “TEMPLATE” from the name of the search, and enter a new name for the search if necessary.

  4. In the Audience subtab, from the Roles list, select the roles that should have access to the saved search.

  5. If necessary, update the settings in any of the other tabs (for example, you can update search criteria in the Criteria subtab).

  6. Click Save As.

Creating a Center Category for the Saved Search

To allow access to the time-off tracking reports from menu links, you create a center category.

To create a center category for the saved search:

  1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Categories > New.

  2. Set the following values:

    • Set the Label field to Time-Off.

    • In the Center Type list, select Classic Center.

    • In the Center Tab list, select Reports.

  3. In the table, depending on the report that was used to create the saved search, set the following values:

    For each of the following reports:

    Set the Link column to:

    Set the Label column to:

    Approved Time-Off Requests

    Approved Time-Off Requests Results

    Approved Time-Off Requests

    Pending Time-Off Requests

    Pending Time-Off Requests Results

    Pending Time-Off Requests

    Rejected Time-Off Requests

    Rejected Time-Off Requests Results

    Rejected Time-Off Requests

    Upcoming Approved Time-Off (1 Month)

    Upcoming Approved Time-Off (1 Month) Results

    Upcoming Approved Time-Off (1 Month)

    Time-Off Plan Assignment

    Time-Off Plan Assignment Results

    Time-Off Plan Assignment

    Employees without Time-Off Plans

    Employees without Time-Off Plans Results

    Employees without Time-Off Plans

    Work Calendars

    Work Calendars Results

    Work Calendars

  4. Click Save.

You can now access the reports at Reports > Time-Off.

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General Notices