Using the Employee Directory

You use the employee directory to search for employees by name, location, department, job title, or (with NetSuite OneWorld accounts) subsidiaries. After performing the search, you can filter your results further by all of these categories.

Employee Directory

To use the employee directory:

  1. From your Employee Center role, go to My Company > Employee Directory.

  2. On the Employee Directory page, type the string that you want to search. As you type, the search field shows employees who match your search term in their name, location, department, job title, or (NetSuite OneWorld) subsidiary. The more characters you type, the more narrowed the search becomes.

  3. To search for employees who have your search string in their location, department, job title, or subsidiary, click the appropriate link in the search field.

  4. If you see the person you are searching for in search field, click their name.

  5. To perform a full search, press Enter or click Search.

  6. The Employee Directory page shows a list of employees who match your search term.

  7. To view an employee in the org browser, click View In Org Browser on the right side of the employee entry.

    For more information about the org browser, see Using the Org Browser.

Filter Search Results

To filter your search results:

  1. If the search returned a large number of results and you want to narrow the results, click Filters to open the filter pane.

  2. To apply a filter (that is, view only employees with particular characteristics), check the appropriate box under Locations, Departments, Job Titles, or Subsidiaries.

  3. By default, the filters pane lists up to five entries for each category, ranked by the number of employees that match in each entry. To add another filter under a category, click Add and begin typing until you see the entry you want to use.

  4. Below the filter area, the filters that you have applied appear. To remove a filter, clear the appropriate box or click the close button on the applied filter.


The Kudos feature requires SuitePeople HR. An administrator must enable it for your account. For more information, see Kudos.

Give Kudos from the Employee Directory

To give Kudos from the employee directory:

  1. On the Employee Directory page, search for the person you want to give Kudos to.

  2. Click Give Kudos on the right side of the employee entry.

  3. Optionally, you can add names to give Kudos to more than one coworker at a time. Begin by typing another coworker’s name. As you type, suggested names appear that match what you have typed. Click the name to add the person.

  4. In the text field, type a description for the Kudos that explains why you want to recognize your coworker(s).

  5. Under Supported Values, click one or more organizational values that this Kudos demonstrates. When you hover over a values icon, a description of that value appears.

  6. Click Give Kudos.

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