Copying BOM Revisions

Copying a BOM revision is a convenient way to reuse existing work to help you create a new revision. It also reduces input tasks and helps maintain consistency across records.

To copy a BOM revision:

  1. Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Bill of Materials.

  2. Beside the BOM containing the revision you want to copy, click View.

  3. Beside the revision you want to copy, click Edit.

  4. Click Actions and then click Make a Copy.

  5. Change the Name of the new BOM revision.

    For example, change Engineering Rev1 BOM to Engineering Rev2 BOM.

  6. Optionally, update the Memo text.

  7. Accept the default Bill of Materials, or select a new one.

    You can copy a revision from one BOM and associate it with another BOM.

    For example, you can move an assembly from an engineering BOM to a production BOM.

  8. Accept the default Start and End Dates, or select new dates.

  9. Check the Inactive box if you do not want this routing to appear in routing lists on records and forms.

    Clear this box if you do want this routing to show in lists.

  10. Accept the default component Items, or select a new one.

    To remove a component, select the item and then click Remove.

  11. Click Save.

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