Updating BOM Revision Record Dates

Advanced Bill of Materials does not permit BOM revision dates on the same BOM to overlap. A current BOM revision must end before a new BOM revision can start. If revision dates overlapped, NetSuite would be unable to identify which revision to select.


You can update the current revision Effective End Date on a new revision. If you try to save the new BOM revision without an effective end date, NetSuite prompts you to set the date minus one day. After you click OK, the system automatically sets the date and saves your revision.

For example, BOM Revision 1 was created without an effective end date. You create BOM Revision 2 and enter an Effective Start Date of February 25, 2020. Attempting a save displays the following prompt. "Effective End Date of the previous revision is not set. Do you want it to be set to current revision Effective Start Date minus one day?” Click Go Back in the message box. Set the Effective End Date for BOM Revision 1 to February 24, 2020 and then save BOM Revision 2.

To update a BOM revision date:

  1. Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Bill of Materials.

  2. Click View beside the BOM you want to revise.

  3. In the Revisions subtab, click Edit beside the BOM Revision you want to update.

  4. Click the Calendar icon beside the Effective End Date field and then select a date.

  5. Enter a date at least one day before your new BOM Revision Effective Start Date.

  6. Click Save.

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