SuiteCloud Processors Supported Task Types

SuiteCloud Processors currently supports processing for two task (script) types:

SuiteCloud Processors Impact on Map/Reduce Deployments

All map/reduce script deployments include a Priority field. For additional information, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels.

For accounts with SuiteCloud Plus, the Queues multi-select field is replaced with the Concurrency Limit field. Instead of designating a specific queue, you set the maximum number of processors available to the deployment. This value equates to the number of jobs submitted for the map and reduce stages.

For map/reduce deployments created prior to the introduction of SuiteCloud Processors, the Concurrency Limit value is set by default. The default value is equivalent to the number of options selected on the Queues field. If Queues was previously set to 1, 3, 7, and 9, then Concurrency Limit is set to 4. If Select All was previously enabled, then Concurrency Limit is set to empty (the number of jobs initially created for the map and reduce stages is equivalent to the total number of processors in the processor pool).

For additional information, see SuiteScript 2.x Map/Reduce Script Type.

SuiteCloud Processors Impact on Scheduled Script Deployments

All scheduled script deployments include a Priority field. For additional information, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels.

For all scheduled script deployments created after the introduction of SuiteCloud Processors, the Queue field is removed. These deployments cannot use queues.

For all scheduled script deployments created prior to the introduction of SuiteCloud Processors, the Queue field remains by default. This applies to accounts with and without SuiteCloud Plus. You have control over whether to stop using queues. The deployment record includes a Remove Queue option. After you select this option, the deployment no longer uses a queue and cannot revert back to using a queue.

The Queue field remains to accommodate deployments that rely on the FIFO order of processing imposed by an individual queue. However, all jobs that use queues are processed by the same processor pool that handles the jobs that do not use queues. All jobs compete with each other using the same common processing algorithm.


For deployments that continue to use queues, all jobs assigned to the same queue should have the same priority. In most cases, you can keep the default (standard) priority of these jobs. However, in some cases, you may want to change these jobs to a higher or lower priority. One scenario is if you want to ensure that a specific queue always has a processor available. In that case, designate the jobs assigned to that queue as high priority. Alternatively, if you have a group of lower priority jobs, you can designate them as low priority and assign them to the same queue. That will ensure that only one is processed at a time.


If your existing scheduled script deployments rely on implicit dependencies imposed by queues, you should update and test these scripts before you remove queues. Your scripts may be impacted if they rely on the sequence of FIFO (first in, first out).

One possible solution is to programmatically submit scripts in a certain order. To do this, use task.ScheduledScriptTask within the first script to submit the second script. This will ensure that the jobs are submitted to the processor pool in the correct order.

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