SuiteCloud Processors Basic Architecture

SuiteCloud Processors currently supports the processing of scheduled scripts and map/reduce scripts. Each submitted scheduled script instance (task) is handled by one job. Each submitted map/reduce script task is handled by multiple jobs: one each for the getInput, shuffle, and summarize stages; and a minimum of one each for the map and reduce stages.

Scheduled script tasks and map/reduce script tasks are submitted for processing in one of three ways:


To submit scheduled script tasks and map/reduce script tasks for processing, the role used to submit the tasks must have the following permissions:

  • Documents and Files: View, Create, Edit, or Full

  • SuiteScript: View, Create, Edit, or Full

  • SuiteScript Scheduling: Full

For more information about access levels for permissions, see Access Levels for Permissions.

For more information about submitting a script with the deployment record, see the following topics:

For more information about submitting a script with a SuiteScript API, see the following topics:

The scheduler sends the jobs to the processor pool in a particular order. This order is determined by the SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels and the order of submission. Jobs with a higher priority are sent before jobs with a lower priority. Jobs with the same priority go to the processor pool in the order of submission.

SuiteCloud Processors includes advanced settings that can also impact the order in which jobs are sent to the processor pool. For more information, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Elevation and Processor Reservation (Advanced Settings).

The basic architecture and flow of the SuiteCloud Processors.

Related Topics

SuiteCloud Processors
SuiteCloud Processors Terminology
SuiteCloud Processors Supported Task Types
SuiteCloud Processors Processor Allotment Per Account
SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels
SuiteCloud Processors Priority Elevation and Processor Reservation (Advanced Settings)

General Notices