Custom Plug-in Object Examples

The following two examples are provided for custom plug-ins in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF):

Custom Plug-in Type Object Example

The following is an XML definition example of a custom plug-in type object in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF).

The object defines the custom plug-in type customscript_doc_signing that has the user-friendly name Document Signing. The object has a default implementation of the plug-in specified in documentSign.js using the methods getSignature and addApproval. Alternate implementations of those methods can be specified in a custom plug-in implementation object.

            <plugintype scriptid="customscript_doc_signing">
    <name>Document Signing</name>
        <description>Gets the signature for the document.</description>
        <description>Adds the approval for the document.</description>


Custom Plug-in Implementation Object Example

The following is an XML definition example of a custom plug-in implementation object in SDF.

The object defines an alternate implementation of the customscript_doc_signing custom plug-in type. The alternate implementation is customscript_doc_signing_implementation with a user-friendly name of Alternate Document Signing. The alternate implementation is defined in altDocumentSign.js.

            <pluginimplementation scriptid="customscript_doc_signing_implementation">
    <name>Alternate Document Signing</name>


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