Entity Records for GCC States

VAT numbers are required to be validated by the tax authority.

NetSuite recommends that someone in your organization should be responsible for obtaining the VAT ID from your customers and suppliers, as well as providing your VAT to those you do business with.

You need to enter the VAT information in NetSuite either manually, or you can import the information via CSV if you have many records.

For more information on CSV Imports, see CSV Imports Overview and Guidelines for CSV Import Files.

VAT Registration Number

Be sure to add valid VAT registration numbers to your customer records and vendor records. The Tax Reg. Number or VAT Registration No. field is found on the Financial subtab of the Customer record and Vendor record.


For OneWorld accounts, specify the tax code at the line-level on the Subsidiaries subtab.

The Tax Code field is not available in non-OneWorld accounts.

General Notices