CSV Imports Overview
CSV import is the most commonly used method for transferring small to medium-sized data sets from other applications into NetSuite. The CSV import process saves time and prevents errors, by submitting data in a CSV (comma-separated value) file. This data can add or update many records at one time, avoiding the need for manual data entry.
You should scrub your data before importing it.
NetSuite provides an Import Assistant that you can use to step through the process for most CSV imports. If you have full permissions for the Import CSV File permission, the Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Files. The types of data that you can import with the Assistant depend upon your assigned role and permissions, and on your account's enabled features. For more information, see NetSuite Permissions Overview.

You can save an import job to be run later. After you have saved an import, you can reuse its mapping for later import jobs and share it with other users. When you run an import, a status page is available for you to view its progress.
Review the following for information about importing CSV data into NetSuite:
For instructions for working with the Import Assistant, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
For help preparing files for CSV import and a list of record types that can be imported, see Guidelines for CSV Import Files.
For details about alternate approaches to import tasks, see the following:
After you have saved an import map, you can run a SuiteScript API to programmatically import CSV file data using that mapping. For details, see task.CsvImportTask.
See Additional Import and Export Options for information about other imports that do not use the CSV Import Assistant, including Peachtree data.
NetSuite SOAP web services provide a solution for large or ongoing data migration projects, and for migrating data for record types not currently supported for CSV import. For information, see the SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Guide.
Note the following:
Simplified versions of the Import Assistant are available to import budget data, single journal entry data, single inventory worksheet data, Microsoft Project tasks data, and website redirects data into NetSuite.
The budget import assistant is at Transactions > Financial > Set Up Budgets > Import, if you have the Set Up Budgets permission. For more information, see the Budget Import help topic.
The single journal entry import assistant is available at Transactions > Financial > Make Journal Entries > Import. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the single intercompany journal entry import assistant is available at Transactions > Financial > Make Intercompany Journal Entries > Import. You need the Make Journal Entry permission. For more information, see the Single Journal Entry Import help topic.
The single inventory worksheet import assistant is available at Transactions > Inventory > Adjust Inventory Worksheet > Import. You need the Adjust Inventory Worksheet permission. For more information, see the Single Inventory Worksheet Import.
The project tasks import assistant is at Activities > Scheduling > Project Tasks > Import, if the Project Management feature is enabled. For more information, see the Project Tasks Import help topic.
The website redirects import assistant is at Commerce > Hosting > Redirects > Import, when the Web Site and Host HTML Files features are enabled. You need the Set Up Web Site permission. For more information, see Importing Website Redirects.
The following CSV imports are template-based and are not available in the Import Assistant: Bulk Fulfilling Orders Using a CSV Import , Importing a Vendor Price List, Importing Employee Commission Data, and Importing Single-Use Coupon Codes.
A SuiteScript API is available to automate CSV imports through scripting instead of using the Import Assistant. See task.CsvImportTask. Note that scripted imports are not supported for data normally imported through simple (2-step) assistants.