Budget Import

The Budget Import lets you import your external budget data as NetSuite budget records. The interface and process for budget imports vary from those for other record type imports.

You can export your NetSuite budget data into an external application, make changes, and then reimport the changed data. To export NetSuite budget data, create a budget search at Transactions > Financial > Set Up Budgets > Search, then click Export for the search.

You need the Set Up Budgets permissions to import budget data. You do not need the Import CSV File permission. For questions about permissions, contact your administrator.

For more instructions for completing a budget import, see Importing a Budget.


Account field values in budget import CSV files can be names, internal IDs or external IDs, but cannot include account numbers, even if the Use Account Numbers preference is enabled. When using names, values for subaccounts should be hierarchical, with the format parent account name: child account name.

Budget Template File

The budget template file is available for download at Transactions > Financial > Set Up Budgets > Import, when you click BUDGETS template in the Import Assistant.

The budget template file includes every field as columns, so that every row of data can store values for fields.

Budget Template File Tips

Review the following tips for populating a budget CSV file from the template:

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