Manufacturing SuiteApps

This release note was updated May 13, 2024.

Following are the 2024.1 manufacturing enhancements to SuiteApps:

Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp Enhancements

Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp includes enhancements for the following versions:

Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp Version 1.1.2

Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp version 1.1.2 includes the following update:

Simulate Report

The SuiteApp now has a Simulate button using which you can simulate the Costed Bill of Materials report by modifying the unit cost values for a nonassembly item. For more information, read Creating Costed Bill of Materials.

Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp Version 1.2.0

Costed Bill of Materials SuiteApp version 1.2.0 includes the following updates:

Simulate Report with Simulate Build Quantity Field

The SuiteApp now includes a Simulate Build Quantity field in the Material Costs subtab. You can simulate the Costed Bill of Materials report by changing the Simulate Build Quantity field’s value. For more information, read Creating Costed Bill of Materials.

New Column in Material Costs Subtab

A new column, Quantity for Build, is now included in the Material Costs subtab. The value in this column is the product of build quantity and quantity per top level assembly. For more information, read Creating Costed Bill of Materials.

Manufacturing Mobile Enhancements

NetSuite 2024.1 includes the following Manufacturing Mobile enhancements:

Backflush and Issue Components when Reporting Data

You can now designate a few components in Bill of Materials (BOM) to be backflushed without the need to report consumption data manually. The components are issued automatically when production quantity is reported.

Improved Error Message Handling

Message custom records now include generated error messages.

Scan and Enter an Item UPC Code

The NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile Suite App now enables you to scan and enter an item's UPC code.

Work Order Start and End Times

The NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile Suite App enables you to record the actual start time and end time for a WIP Work Order operation step. This enables you to start an operation, pause an operation with reason code for the pause, restart the operation, and end the operation.

Updated Manufacturing Mobile Messages

New warning and error messages are included with release of Manufacturing Mobile 2024.1.

View Work Instructions from Mobile Device

The NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile Suite App supports viewing work instructions from a mobile device. The instructions for an operation are defined in the assembly routing.

Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp Enhancements

Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp includes enhancements for the following version:

Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp Version 1.1.0

Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp version 1.1.0 includes the following updates:

Additional Work Instructions Subtab in a Work Order Record

You can now add specific work instructions for a work order in the Additional Work Instructions subtab of a work order record. The new subtab is automatically enabled when the WIP box is checked in a work order form. For more information, read Providing Additional Work Instructions in Work Order.

Update in Traveler Report

The Work Instructions and Traveler report now includes information such as process notes and any additional work instructions of the specific work order.

Update in Filter By Section

The Filter by section on the Generate Traveler page now collapses automatically to display the filtered work orders in the center of the page.

Cost Variance Analysis SuiteApp Now Available

The Cost Variance Analysis SuiteApp analyzes variances during the processing of work orders. These variances are the differences between the planned values and the actual values recorded for quantity and cost in work orders.

This SuiteApp also enables you to do the following:

  • Measure the performance of work orders and act toward preventing cost overruns.

  • Review cost variances by work order, cost type, and operations.

The SuiteApp includes the following subtabs on the Cost Variance Analysis page:

  • Component – Displays planned material costs, actual material costs, and cost and quantity variances for each work order component. You can use this information to analyze cost overruns.

  • Conversion Costs– Displays cost variances for manufacturing operations. You can use the details on this subtab to understand any cost overruns that occur in any step of the manufacturing process for an item.

  • Cost Category – Displays the cost breakdown and variances by cost types for a work order.

For more information, see Cost Variance Analysis.

General Notices