Creating Item Sets

Before you create an item set validation record, you must first create an item set. An item set contains items that can be excluded from a customer group. Excluded items are items that are not available to sell to a customer that belongs to a customer group. If the item set is selected to exclude from a customer group, the items that belong to the specific item set will not be available for customers included in the customer group.

To sell the excluded items to a specific customer, you must remove the customer from the customer group.

To create an item set:

  1. Go to Lists > Enhanced Validations > Item Set > New.

  2. In the Name field, specify a name for the item set. Ensure that you use a descriptive name to help you identify the items included in the item set.


    The item set name must be unique.

  3. Ensure that you clear the Inactive box to keep the item set record as active.

  4. In the Items To Include In The Item Set field, select the items that you want to include in the item set.

    You can select an inventory item, assembly item, or item group to include in the item set.

    To select multiple items, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you click the items.


    You can only include a maximum of 500 items in an item set.

    If the item set that you created is excluded from the customer group, the included items become restricted from the customer group.

  5. Click Save.

To exclude an item set from an existing customer group:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Groups.

  2. Search for the customer group to which you want to assign an excluded item set.

  3. Click the Edit link for the record.

  4. In the Customer Group record, select an item set in the Item Sets Excluded From Customer Group field. Items that belong to the selected item set become restricted for the specific customer group.

  5. Click Save.


    You can also exclude an item set when you create a new customer group record. To exclude items in the new customer group record, select the item set in the Item Sets Excluded From Customer Group before saving the record.

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