Financial Reports with Period End Journals

Period end journals do not appear on standard financial statements because consolidation and year end are dynamically calculated, as needed, on standard reports. Period end journals have no impact on standard reports.

When reports show period end journals, consolidated amounts, including the balances for the Cumulative Translation Adjustment and Retained Earnings accounts, are based on posted period end journals. Consolidated child subsidiary data comes only from the period end journals generated during the consolidation step and posted to the parent subsidiary. To ensure your report is correct, run reports that show period end journals only for periods on or after you complete the historical balances task.

If the accounting preference Use Consolidation with Period End Journal Entries is not checked, the consolidated subsidiary context is not available when reports include period end journals. If you use multi-book accounting, consolidation must be enabled in the secondary accounting book to see a consolidated subsidiary context in that secondary accounting book.

To see period end journals, the Post Closing Trial Balance report is available when the Period End Journal Entries feature is enabled. In addition, a Period End Mode switch is provided for account registers (except bank account registers) and the General Ledger report.

For more information about these reporting options, see the following topics:

To view period end journals in the supported reports, you need the Period End Financial Statements permission. The standard roles with this permission and the permission level are as follows:

Standard Role




Accountant (Reviewer)




You must have access to at least one subsidiary that has the Period End Journal Entries feature enabled to run the reports in period end mode.

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