Post Closing Trial Balance Report

The Post Closing Trial Balance shows the balance of each active account for the period. This report can only be run by period. Rather than the Debit and Credit columns of the standard Trial Balance, a single total amount column is provided labeled Debit/(Credit). Therefore, the sum of the account rows should always be zero. This report does not have a detail version.

All account balances, including the balances for the Cumulative Translation Adjustment and Retained Earnings accounts, represent actual posted period end transactions in this report.

You can click on an account name in this report to open a General Ledger — (Period End) report for the account.

The Post Closing Trial Balance supports the financial statement layouts of the Financial Report Builder. You need the Report Customization permission to customize this report in the Financial Report Builder or to change the layouts assigned to them. For information, see Financial Report Builder and Financial Statement Layouts.

For information about the standard trial balance, see Trial Balance Report.

To see the Post Closing Trial Balance:

  1. Go to Reports > Financial > Post Closing Trial Balance, and wait for the report to load.

  2. Change the report filters as needed.

    The Subsidiary Context and Accounting Book filters have the following restrictions:

    • The Subsidiary Context filter options are limited to subsidiaries for which the feature is enabled and their parent subsidiaries.

    • If consolidation is enabled but the feature is not enabled for a parent subsidiary, (Disabled) appears to the right of the subsidiary name in the Subsidiary Context filter. This behavior applies only when the Primary Accounting Book is selected in the Accounting Book filter when you use multi-book accounting.

    • If the feature is not enabled for a subsidiary in a secondary accounting book, the Accounting Book filter does not include that book when the subsidiary is selected in the Subsidiary Context filter.

    • If consolidation is not enabled for a secondary accounting book and that book is selected in the Accounting Book filter, only subsidiaries that have the feature enabled are included in the Subsidiary Context filter.

  3. Click Refresh.

    If you have not run the historical balances process for all the subsidiaries included in the report as of the end of the report date range, a warning appears at the topic of the report.

For information about other report options, see Setting Report Footer Options.

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