Financial Report Builder
You can use the Financial Report Builder to customize NetSuite financial statements, including their columns, filters, sorting, and audience. The Financial Report Builder's most significant feature is the Edit Layout page. The Edit Layout page provides you with fine-grained control of your customized financial statements. In addition to report-level and column-level customizations, you can make edits per section or row. Sections are subsets of financial data, typically filtered and grouped by account type.
On the Edit Layout page, you can customize the data that is included in a financial statement. The data is determined through dynamic section-level filtering based on account type, account name, account number, class, department, location, or subsidiary. The order of the data is determined through section-level sorting and grouping by account type, class, department, location, or subsidiary.
You can define how to calculate results for report summary rows, either by totalling or by a more complex formula that you define. You can add formula rows that display calculated figures based on your stored data. You also have extensive editing tools to alter the look of each row or section in your report, including the labeling and text style.
All customizations on an Edit Layout page are saved as a custom layout that can be shared by multiple custom financial statements. A layout is a set of definitions for a financial statement's rows and sections.
After you have saved a custom financial statement, it is available on the Saved Reports page. For more information, see Sharing Custom Reports with Other Users.
See the following topics for more details:
To start the Financial Report Builder, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
For details about the contents of each Financial Report Builder page, see Financial Report Builder Interface.
For more explanation of layouts and how to customize them, see Financial Statement Layouts.
For more explanation of sections and how to customize them, see Financial Statement Sections.
For instructions for customizing rows, see Financial Statement Rows.
You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.
If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can use the Financial Report Builder to create separate custom financial statements per subsidiary. Specialized country-specific layouts are provided for each subsidiary's financial statements. For more information, see OneWorld Financial Statements.
To access Financial Report Builder training resources, see the SuiteAnalytics: Financial Reports and Searches page at NetSuite SuiteTraining.