Example of a Shell Script that Calls a RESTlet

The following shell script shows you how to send a request to a RESTlet using NLAuth authentication and a Content-Type value of application/json. For information about constructing an NLAuth header, see Using User Credentials for RESTlet Authentication.

#Enter your RESTlet url here.
#Enter the body of your request in a file named data.json.
CONTENT_FLAG="Content-Type: application/json" 

#Update the following line with valid values from your NetSuite account. 
AUTH_STRING="Authorization: NLAuth nlauth_account=123456, nlauth_email=jsmith%40ABC.com, nlauth_signature=xxxx"
#Send the request to your RESTlet and capture the response from your RESTlet.
/usr/bin/curl -H "${CONTENT_FLAG}" -H "${AUTH_STRING}" -d "${DATA_FILE}" $my_url > /tmp/restlet_response.txt 


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