Example of a RESTlet that Adds Multiple Records

The following example shows how to use a RESTlet to create several contact records in one call.


 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType Restlet
define([ 'N/record' ], function(record) {
    return {
        post: function(restletBody) {
            var restletData = restletBody.data;
            for (var contact in restletData) {
                var objRecord = record.create({
                    type : record.Type.CONTACT,
                    isDynamic : true
                var contactData = restletData[contact];
                for (var key in contactData) {
                    if (contactData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                           fieldId : key,
                           value : contactData[key]
                var recordId = objRecord.save({
                    enableSourcing : false,
                    ignoreMandatoryFields : false


Example Post Call

To create records with this RESTlet, you would use the post method using a request body to send your values for the new contact records. For example:



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