Applying Installation Preferences During SuiteCloud Project Validation and Deployment

The Apply Installation Preferences option appears each time you validate or deploy your SuiteApp project using SuiteCloud SDK tools for SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). You must enable this option to apply installation preferences that were specified in the InstallationPreferences folder of the project. For example, to lock specific objects, or hide files by default when deployed. If you do not want to apply installation preferences to a deployment instance, clear the Apply Installation Preferences box when you deploy the project.

If an installation preference for an element changed from the previous deployment, or is applied for the first time, the log will capture the change.

          2018-02-02 06:35:43 (PST) Installation started

Info -- Account [(PRODUCTION) MyNetSuiteAccount]

Info -- Publisher ID [com.samples]

Info -- SuiteApp [com.samples.example2 (1.0.1)]

Info -- Framework Version [1.0]

Validate manifest -- Success

Validate deploy file -- Success

Validate script file -- Success

Validate objects -- Success

Validate files -- Success

Validate folders -- Success

Validate preferences -- Success

Validate flags -- Success

Validate account settings -- Success

Validate Custom Objects against the Account -- Success

Info -- Current installed version [1.0.1]

Begin deployment -- com.samples.example2 (1.0.1)

The LOCKING preference type action for the customrecord_sample object has changed to LOCK.

2018-02-02 06:35:45 (PST) Installation COMPLETE (0 minutes 2 seconds) 


For more information about installation preferences, see Installation Preferences in the SuiteApp of SuiteCloud Project.

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