Installation Preference File Structure in SuiteCloud Projects

In SuiteCloud projects for SuiteCloud Development Framework, there are three types of preference files: locking preferences, hiding preferences and overwriting. To use these preferences you need to create locking, hiding, and overwriting XML files in the InstallationPreferences folder of your SuiteApp project.

For more information, see the following topics:

To create a locking preference file, the file name must be locking.xml and the XML structure must follow the following template:

          <preference type="LOCKING" defaultAction="">

    <apply action="">




To create a hiding preference file, the file name must be hiding.xml and the XML structure must follow the following template:

          <preference type="HIDING" defaultAction="">

    <apply action="">




To create an overwriting preference file, the file name must be overwriting.xml and the XML structure must follow the following template:

          <preference type="OVERWRITING">

      <scriptdeployments defaultAction="">

         <scriptdeployment action="" scriptid=""/>




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