UI Component Overview

UI Components are a collection of objects that can be used to customize your NetSuite experience using SuiteScript 2.x. Using server side scripts you can create custom UIs while maintaining the NetSuite look and feel. SuiteScript UI components are generated on the server and are accessible through client scripts.


SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the Document Object Model (DOM). NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.

You can customize the NetSuite user interface using four script types:

The guide focuses on developing custom user interfaces using Suitelets.

Page Types

When creating a custom user interface with a Suitelet, there are three types of page types that can be combined with the standard NetSuite UI components and HTML components to build the UI you need.

  • Form

    A form is used to display information within NetSuite. Forms are composed of fields that can be configured to display or collect data from the user. Information collected from forms can submitted by the user and processed by a Suitelet. Additionally, you can generate forms to display and output the information stored in a record.

    For information about forms, supported UI components and how to create a form, see SuiteScript 2.x Custom Forms.

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.Form.

  • List

    A list page is used to present information in a table containing rows and columns. Lists can be used to display search results as well as give the user the ability to update and edit the information contained within them.

    For information about how to create a list, see SuiteScript 2.x Custom List Pages.

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.List.

  • Assistant

    An assistant is a multistep wizard that you can use to help the user accomplish a larger goal. Assistants are built out of steps, with each step containing a portion of the complete goal.

    For information about how to create an assistant, see Creating Custom Assistants.

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.Assistant

Standard UI Components

There are four key NetSuite UI components that can be used to build a page, list or assistant. These UI components are standard to the NetSuite experience though they may have different properties depending on the page types.

  • Button

    A customized button is button that you can add to your user interface. You can control the button's visibility, label, and functionality.

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.Button

  • Field

    Custom fields are used to record and display information in your user interface.

    For more information about types of fields, see serverWidget.FieldType

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.Field

  • Tab

    A tab is a special section added to your user interface. Using multiple tabs allow you to display more information about a single page.

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.Tab

  • Sublist

    A sublist is a list that can be embedded on your page. Custom sublists can present information based on the results of a saved search.

    For information about the API module, see serverWidget.Sublist

Properties and Enumerations

Each UI component has a series of properties and methods that can be used to customize the functionality and appearance of your NetSuite UI components. These configuration values are stored as enumerations and work with each UI component to give you the most flexibility in designing your UI.

Examples of enumerations and properties include:

General Notices