Transfer Order Import

The transfer order transaction is used to move inventory between locations. The transfer order record is available when the Multi-Location Inventory (MLI) feature is enabled on the Items & Inventory subtab at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

In the user interface, you can access the transfer order record at Transactions > Inventory > Enter Transfer Orders. For information about working with this record in the user interface, see Transferring Inventory and Inventory Transfer Orders.

Usage Notes

Review the following guidelines for transfer order imports.

The following accounting preferences, available at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences, on the Order Management subtab, apply to transfer orders:

  • Default Transfer Order Status indicates whether transfer orders require approval by default. Pending Approval means that by default the status of someone with permission must approve the order before it is processed. Pending Fulfillment means that by default transfer orders are sent directly to the fulfillment queue without requiring further approval. If you select this status, you must provide a value for From Location in your CSV file.

  • Use Item Cost as Transfer Cost affects how the Transfer Price from each transfer order is used on the related item receipt transaction. When this option is enabled, the transfer price is used as a declared shipping value for reference only, such as for insurance or international shipping, and the item cost from the item record is used on the item receipt. Also, when this option is enabled and different items are fulfilled in different item fulfillments, you must receive the items separately. In this case, a separate item receipt is created for each item fulfillment. When this option is disabled, the transfer price on the transfer order is used as the item cost on the item receipt. In this case, both the item fulfillment and the item receipt resulting from the transfer order have G/L impact. Also, when this option is disabled and different items are fulfilled in different item fulfillments, you can receive all items in the same item receipt.

Supported Transfer Order Sublist Data Imports

The transfer order import supports the import of the following sublist data.



Accounting Books

Accounting Books is a multicolumn sublist. For more information, see Importing Sublist Data in a Single File.


Supported Transfer Order Subrecord Data Imports

The transfer order import supports the import of the following subrecord data.



Items – Inventory Detail

Available when the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management Feature is enabled on the Items & Inventory subtab at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

Shipping Address

Transfer Order Import Example

The following table provides an example structure for a file to import transfer order data.

External ID



To Location







Parent Company

US – East Coast

Pending Approval


Travel Kit – Small



Travel Medical Kit



Lightweight Sleeping Bag




Parent Company

US – West Coast

Pending Fulfillment


Travel Kit – Large



Travel Kit – Medium


For details about fields that can be mapped in the transfer order record, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s transfer order reference page. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

Additional Information

Related Topics

General Notices