Processing Refunds with SCIS

You can use can use any payment method available in SCIS for providing a refund while processing a return. The following are most common:

Processing Refund

The following steps describe how to process returns with SCIS.

To process a refund:

  1. Select how you want to refund the customer:

    • Refund cash

    • Refund credit card

    • Refund credit memo

    • Other Refund

  2. Refund the customer:

    • Refund cash – Open the cash drawer, and then refund cash.

    • Refund credit card:

      • If the original transaction was paid with one credit card – There is no need to swipe the card to refund the customer.

      • If the original transaction was paid with more than one credit card – Swipe each card to refund the amount paid by each card.

    • Refund credit memo – Print the receipt. The number for the credit memo is printed on the receipt. The customer can come back and use it for store credit.

    • Other Refund – Your system administrator may have set up other methods for refunding the customer. Contact your manager or system administrator for more information.


    If you overcharge the customer, for example, the customer did not receive the discount they were entitled, you cannot refund only the discount amount in SCIS. You must refund the entire amount of the original transaction, and then create a new sales transaction for the correct amount.

Refunding a Partially Paid Transaction

If the customer makes a partial payment on an order, and then decides not to complete the order, the sales associate must perform a refund transaction. Cancelling the partially paid transaction is not supported in SCIS.

To refund a partially paid transaction:

  1. Finish the sale using cash as the payment method. If the customer made the partial payment with a credit card, then complete the transaction with partial payment from the credit card, and the balance in cash.

  2. Make the refund of the sale. On the refund, create the same type of transaction as in Step 1. Create a partial refund with cash and, the amount on the credit card from the original sale.

  3. Refund the customer’s credit card for the amount charged to the credit card from the original sale.

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