Define Search Synonyms in NetSuite

To define a group synonym:

  1. Go to Commerce > Marketing > Search > Group Synonyms.

  2. On the Group Synonyms page, click New Group Synonym.

  3. On the Group Synonym page, enter a comma-separated list of synonymous terms in the Synonyms box.


    For example, you can enter handbag, purse, shoulder bag in the Synonyms box.

  4. If you use multiple websites, select the site from the list for which this group synonym should be applied.

  5. If your site uses multiple languages, select the language from the list for which this group synonym should be applied.

  6. (Optional) To disable the group synonym, check the Inactive box.

  7. (Optional) To add more group synonyms, click Save & New and repeat Steps 3–7.

  8. Click Save.

To define a one-way synonym:

  1. Go to Commerce > Marketing > Search > One-way Synonyms.

  2. On the One-way Synonyms page, click New One-way Synonym.

  3. On the One-way Synonym page, enter the search term in the Searching For box.


    The term you specify here should be the search term your shopper might search for but does not find relevant results. For example, you can enter pants in the Searching For box.

  4. In the Shows These Synonyms In Results box, enter one or more synonyms separated by a comma.


    The terms you specify here should be the synonymous terms you widely use in your catalog for the same product. For example, you can enter jeans and trousers in the Shows these synonyms in Results box.

  5. If you use multiple websites, select the site from the list for which this one-way synonym should be applied.

  6. If your site uses multiple languages, select the language from the list for which this one-way synonym should be applied.

  7. (Optional) To disable the one-way synonym, check the Inactive box.

  8. (Optional) To add more one-way synonyms, click Save & New and repeat Steps 3–7.

  9. Click Save.


When you click Save, your search index automatically rebuilds to reflect these changes. When the search index is rebuilt successfully with these changes, the Search Index Job Status page displays Synonyms Updated under the Job Name column.

After you define search synonyms, you can view and edit the synonyms on the One-way Synonyms/Group Synonyms page. These pages display the defined synonyms and their status. If there are too many entries on the page, you can filter out the synonyms you are looking for by specifying the Search Term and Synonyms, Site, Language, Last Modified Date, and Status in the respective fields.

To view, edit, or delete a defined synonym:

  1. Go to Commerce > Marketing > Search > One-way Synonyms or Commerce > Marketing > Search > Group Synonyms.

  2. You can view the defined synonyms on the One-way Synonyms/Group Synonyms page.

  3. (Optional) To filter the list of defined synonyms:

    1. Expand Filters.

    2. Use the following fields to filter the list of defined synonyms:

      • Search Term and Synonyms

      • Site

      • Language

      • Last Modified Date

      • Status

  4. (Optional) To edit a synonym definition, click Edit next to the synonym record.


    To edit multiple search synonym records, use the Edit toggle button.

  5. (Optional) To delete a defined synonym, click Edit next to the synonym record and then click Delete under the Actions menu.


    To delete multiple search synonym records, use the Edit toggle button and then click Delete Record under the New column.

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