Creating an In-Transit Vendor Payment Without Approval Routing

After you have enabled the In-Transit Payments feature, you can enter in-transit vendor payments. The balance of the originating vendor bill is reduced by the amount of the payment created.


In-transit vendor payments cannot be processed using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) feature.

Enter an in-transit vendor payment:

  1. Do one of the following to open the vendor bill payment form:

    • To create a single in-transit vendor payment, go to Transactions > Payables > Pay Single Vendor.

      For full details about the entire form to create a single vendor payment, see Paying Bills to a Single Vendor.

    • To bulk create in-transit vendor payments, go to Transactions > Payables > Pay Bills.

      For full details about the entire bulk vendor payment form, see Paying Bills to Multiple Vendors.

  2. Complete the form with in-transit payment information, as described below.

  3. Click Save.


    After this payment form is saved, the setting for the In-Transit field cannot be changed. Additionally, any fields on the from that affect the General Ledger (GL) cannot be changed. You must void or delete the in-transit payment and then create a new one to change information in fields that affect the GL.

Primary Information

  1. Check the In Transit box to designate this vendor payment as an In-Transit Payment.

    • This defaults based on the setting for the Use In-Transit Vendor Payments by Default preference. See Setting Preferences for In-Transit Payments.

    • The In Transit box can be checked only when first creating a payment. After the payment form is saved, this setting cannot be changed.

    Clear this box if this vendor payment is not an In-Transit payment.

    The setting for this field cannot be changed after the form is saved.

  2. The Available Balance is displayed for the selected Account. The bank account available balance is calculated as follows:

    Bank account balance — Sum of outstanding in-transit payments = Available balance

If you use approval routing, the form may not show the Approval Status and Next Approver fields until after the form is saved.

After Saving an In-Transit Payment

After you save the form,

The status of the vendor bill becomes Payment In-Transit when an in-transit payment linked to the vendor bill is created that meets the following criteria:

Existing payments with a status of In-Transit are not affected when the Payment Hold box on the vendor bill is checked. However, no new payments can be created.

The Void button shows on a saved in-transit payment only if the status of the payment is Confirmed. For details about it-transit payment statuses, see In-Transit Payment Statuses.

Vendor Records and the Vendor Dashboard

After you save an in-transit vendor payment, information about in-transit payments is displayed on vendor records and on the Vendor Dashboard. The in-transit amount shown is the amount of in-transit payments made that have not yet been deposited by the vendor's bank.

The in-transit amount is displayed on the vendor record under the Balance Information section in the In-Transit Balance field.

Also, on the Currencies subtab, an In-Transit Balance shows for each currency that has a corresponding payment. In OneWorld accounts, the Subsidiary subtab of vendor records shows the In-transit Payment Balance by subsidiary.

In the Vendor portlet of the vendor dashboard displays the total in-transit payment balance for that vendor. For details about the vendor dashboard, read Vendor Dashboards.

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