Support for Multisubsidiary Customer Feature by Setting the Subsidiary Field on Contracts

The Multisubsidiary Customer feature has been supported by the Software Vertical Contract Renewals SuiteApp since version 2018.2. This is implemented through the Subsidiary field on Contract records, which directly links renewal transactions to their source transaction subsidiary, instead of the primary subsidiary.

The Subsidiary field is a hidden field and is blank by default on existing contracts. If your OneWorld account has the Multisubsidiary Customer feature enabled, you must perform a mass update to set the value of the Subsidiary field on existing contract records. The mass update gets the value of the subsidiary from the sales order transaction and sets it in the hidden Subsidiary field on existing contract records.

For new contracts, the Subsidiary field will be set upon contract creation.

To set the Subsidiary field on existing contract records through mass update:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. Expand the list for General Updates.

  3. Under Custom Records, click Contract.

  4. Enter a title for the mass update.

  5. Set the mass update filters on the Criteria subtab. If no filter is set, the action will update all existing contracts in the account.

  6. On the Results subtab, add the Subsidiary field.

  7. On the Schedule subtab, select Single Event.

  8. On the Mass Update Fields subtab, do the following:

    1. Check the Subsidiary box.

    2. In the Formula column, set the value to: {}.

  9. Click Preview to see the list of contracts that will be updated. If you want to exclude specific contracts from the update, clear the box in the Apply column for a contract.

  10. Click Perform Update.

When the mass update is complete, all existing contracts included in the update will have the same subsidiary as the original sales order transaction. When the contract is renewed, the subsidiary on the contract record will be copied to the renewal transaction.

General Notices