Item Substitution on Sales Orders


This feature is part of the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp V4.0. For instructions on installing the SuiteApp, see Installing the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp.

With Item Substitution on Sales Orders, you can create substitute items for supported Item types. During the sales order entry process, you can then review available substitute items on the sales order record. This capability allows you to address situations of inventory shortage of items during the sales process.

Item substitution is supported for the following item types:


Substitute items are not available on Matrix Parent Items.


Use of item substitution is supported only through the user interface.

You may review the following before enabling Item Substitution:

Sales Orders — A sales order is a transaction that records a commitment to sell items or services to a customer. Sales orders have no accounting impact until items are shipped or services are completed.

For more information, read Sales Orders.


The Item Substitution on Sales Orders feature is available in the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp. For more information about this SuiteApp, see the Availability section of Supply Chain Management Reports. You may also contact your NetSuite account manager.


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