Sales Orders

A sales order is a transaction that records a commitment to sell items or services to a customer. Sales orders have no accounting impact until items are shipped or services are completed.

For information specific to Not-for-Profit (NFP), see Pledge and Donation Management.

Recording sales orders helps you track the following:

After items on sales orders are shipped, the sales orders can be turned into invoices or cash sales to bill the customer. When sales orders are converted into bills, they automatically show the items, quantities, and prices from the order without having to re-enter the information.


The total number of lines per transaction cannot exceed 500. Sales orders created by SOAP web services can have up to 1000 lines. For more information about line limitations in NetSuite, see Line Limitations for Transactions.

Sales orders can be created in two ways:

See Sales Order Entry Workflow Chart for more information about creating sales orders.

After you have created and approved sales orders for items and services, you can view or process the sales order at each stage to track the progress of the order:

On the sales orders page, click View next to a sales order to view it. You can click Edit next to a sales order to make changes to the order.

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