Closing a Sales Order

You can close part or all of a sales order manually if, for example, you do not intend to fulfill part or all of the order.

You have three options for closing:


Before closing a partially fulfilled sales order, or a partially fulfilled line item on the sales order, be sure to invoice all fulfilled items. Closing removes the sales order from the billing queue and the receiving queue, so you will not be able to complete the invoicing process.

Closing the sales order, rather than deleting it:

You sell five widgets, two contraptions, and nine bags of gizmos to a customer. After you fulfill and invoice the five widgets, the customer calls and cancels the remaining portion of the order for the contraptions and gizmos. To save time, you close the entire sales order instead of closing each line individually.

For information about closing individual line items, see Closing Line Items on Sales Orders.

For information about how closing a sales order or closing individual line items affects revenue, see Setting Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) Preferences.

For information about using SuiteScript to close multiple sales orders at one time, contact your NetSuite account manager or NetSuite Customer Support.

To close a sales order manually:

  1. On the sales order, verify that the Close Order button is visible. If not, check to make sure the sales order meets each of the following conditions:

    • The sales order was created using a standard sales order form.

    • The sales order has an amount remaining to bill.

    • The sales order is in one of the following statuses:

      • Pending fulfillment

      • Partially fulfilled

      • Pending billing

  2. Click the Close Order button.

    NetSuite displays a message confirming that the sales order has been successfully closed.

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