Adjusting Transaction Lines Matched by the GL Matching SuiteApp

You can still edit transaction lines that the SuiteApp had already matched. The changes you make on the transaction lines, however, may affect the matching status and matching code. For more information, see Changes that Affect GL Matching Data.

You can edit the amount of the transaction line, and the account, subsidiary, and entity that it is associated with. Use the link in the Number column of the GL Matching Dashboard’s Search Results list to edit the transaction line.

On the GL Matching Dashboard, you can update the matching reference of the searched transaction lines. Use the Matching Reference field in the Search Results list to replace or add a short text. If the transaction line you are updating is a part of a matched (or partially matched) group, you have the option to unmatch that transaction line, change its matching reference, or change the matching reference of the whole group.

To edit matched transaction lines:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > GL Matching Dashboard. For roles that use the Accounting Center, go to Financial > Other Transactions > GL Matching Dashboard.

  2. Using the filters, search for the group with the transaction lines that you want to edit.

  3. On the Search Results subtab, click the number of the transaction line. The transaction line record opens.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Click Save after editing the record.

To update the matching reference on the GL Matching Dashboard:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > GL Matching Dashboard. For roles that use the Accounting Center, go to Financial > Other Transactions > GL Matching Dashboard.

  2. Using the filters, search for the group whose matching reference you want to edit.

  3. On the Search Results subtab, replace or add a short text on the Matching Reference field.

  4. Click outside the field. A popup message appears.

  5. Click Cancel if you do not want to proceed with the changes. Click Yes if you want to proceed with the update.

  6. If you clicked Yes, click any of the following buttons that describes the change that you want to make:

    • Unmatch this transaction – changing the matching reference will automatically unmatch the transaction line from the group.

    • Change all references in this group – the text you entered will replace the matching reference of all transaction lines in the group.

    • Change this reference only – the text you entered will replace the matching reference of the transaction line you are updating. The matching reference of the other transaction lines in the group will remain the same.

Changes that Affect GL Matching Data

Editing transactions or transaction lines that are already matched (or partially matched) by the GL Matching SuiteApp may affect their matching status. Actions that have impact on the matching status are as follows:

  • Changing the Amount – Transaction lines remain in the group, but the whole group is recalculated and its matching status may change.

  • Changing Account, Subsidiary, or Entity (Vendor, Customer, Employee) – Transaction lines are unmatched from the current group. The rest of the group is recalculated and its matching status may change.

  • Deleting the transaction or one of its lines – The rest of the group is recalculated and its matching status may change.

After saving the changes you made, a new notification screen appears. It contains an overview of your previous action, allowing you to identify the transaction lines that have been affected.

Click Group Details on the notification to go back to the GL Matching Dashboard where the grouped transaction lines are shown with their updated matching status, matching code, and matching date.

General Notices