Activate Extensions for SCIS

Administrators can activate extensions for SCIS by using the Extension Manager in NetSuite. For more information, read Develop Extensions.

To activate an extension for SCIS:

  1. After the extension is created and deployed in NetSuite, use the Manage Extension Wizard to activate your extensions in SCIS.

    Go to Setup > SuiteCommerce Advanced > Extensions Manager.

  2. Click New Activation.

    The following are required settings for SCIS Extensions:

    • Select the site that you want to manage from the Select a Web Site list.

    • Select the domain you want to manage from the Select a Domain list.


      If you choose a domain that already has themes and extensions activated, you can edit or update the current activations.

    • Select the subsidiary from the Select Subsidiary list.

    • Select the location from the Select Location list.


    If you leave the Subsidiary or Location setting blank, then your activation applies to all subsidiaries or all locations.

  3. Click Next to select themes and extensions for the domain, or click Cancel to abort the activation process.

  4. Select extensions to activate:

    1. Click the Extensions tab.

    2. Check the Active box next to any extensions you want to activate.

  5. Click Activate to activate the selected extensions.

    To abort the activation process, click Cancel.

To deactivate extensions:

  1. Go to Manage Extension Wizard.

  2. Click the Extensions tab.

  3. Clear the Active box next to the extension you want to deactivate.

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