Installing Germany Localization

The Germany Localization SuiteApp is currently available as a public SuiteApp. For information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.

The Germany Localization SuiteApp is a managed bundle, and is automatically updated whenever improvements or new features are added.

To install the Germany Localization SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. Using the Keywords field, search for the Bundle ID 255470.

  3. Click the Germany Localization link in the Name column.

  4. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

After the installation, go to Setup > Customization > Germany Localization to check if the following features are installed:

Germany Localization Overview

You can inspect the state of your Germany Localization SuiteApp and its components in a dedicated page.

To visit this page, go to Setup > Customization > Germany Localization.

The page contains the following information:



SuiteApp or Component Name

Name of SuiteApp or localization component as provided by the Germany Localization SuiteApp. This column is split into several sections:

  • Required SuiteApps

    • EMEA Localization

    • Germany Localization

  • Recommended SuiteApps

    • Contra Account Sheets

    • Country-Specific Reports

    • Electronic Bank Payments

    • Germany Central Bank Reports

    • Tax Reporting Framework

  • Components

    • Electronic Bank Payments Templates

    • Financial Reports SKR03

    • Financial Reports SKR04

    • Tax Audit Files: GoBD Data Extract

    • Tax Reports


Current stage of the SuiteApp or component in the installation process.

Last Updated Date

Timestamp information about the last update performed on the SuiteApp or component.

Last Updated By

Name of user who last updated the SuiteApp or component.


Manually install, update, or uninstall the component, or view more information about the required and recommended SuiteApps.

The following statuses can appear in the Status column of the Germany Localization Overview page:




The component is successfully installed. Click the Uninstall link in the Action column to uninstall it.

Not Installed

The component has not been installed yet. Click the Install link in the Action column to install it.


The installation process of this component is currently in progress. Click the Refresh button to keep it up to date.


The uninstallation process of this component is currently in progress. Click the Refresh button to keep it up to date.

Need Update

Your component is not up to date. Click the Update link in the Action column to update it to the latest version.


This status appears if the component has not been installed properly. If you click this status, an error message with more detailed information appears. Components in error status can be either uninstalled or updated. Click the Uninstall or Update link in the Action column.

Missing SuiteApp

Components only. Appears if the SuiteApp providing the component is not installed. Click the link to open the Details dialog. Click the SuiteApp link in the Details dialog to open a browser window with the option to install the missing SuiteApp.

General Notices